

In fairness to all residents, Table 1 and the Alfresco Room cannot both be booked for the same event.



In fairness to all residents, a maximum of 2 BBQ tables at a time can be booked on the same day.



In fairness to all residents; a tennis court can only be booked for a maximum of 1 hour per day.

The PT Movement

The PT Movement is a ladies only personal training service located in Harrington Park helping busy women get it done! We are focussed on supporting and guiding you to achieve  your health and fitness goals. We operate within school hours so you can pop in after the school drop off, throughout the day before pick up or even on your day off from work!

FB: The PT Movement 

Instagram: @theptmovement

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 0421 894 741