

In fairness to all residents, Table 1 and the Alfresco Room cannot both be booked for the same event.



In fairness to all residents, a maximum of 2 BBQ tables at a time can be booked on the same day.



In fairness to all residents; a tennis court can only be booked for a maximum of 2 hour per day.

Opening Hours 2025

Opening Hours 2025 page-0001

No Pets at Club Facilities

A friendly reminder to all residents: pets are not permitted in any of the club facilities. Thank you for your cooperation!

Who likes to Zumba

Bring a friend along and join in the party!

Aleks is back for 2025 - Tuesday's at 7pm.

Classes will be held at Michelia Club.


zumba - resize

Parking in NSW - A guideline from Camden Council

We receive many phone calls and enquiries in regards to parking within the Estate.

Please click here for a guideline provided from Camden Council in regards to parking in NSW.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Camden Council on 4654 7777.



Community / Council Map

Please click here for Council / Community Map

Residents only access in Gym

A friendly reminder to residents that all gym facilities are for residents only.
Those residents who are found to be not following the guidelines will face a 3 month ban on all facilities.
At any time, you may be asked to produce your resident ID card for a spot check. If you can not show this, you will be asked to leave immediately.
We thank you for your cooperation.

New school zone times for Macarthur Anglican

New school zone works will commence between Monday 8 & Friday 19 August between 7am & 5pm.
Please refer to the below for more info.
New SChool Zone-page-001New SChool Zone-page-002

Snake Awareness

Snakes are a natural part of living in Australia and they play important roles in our ecosystem. As the weather begins to warm up, it's important to be aware that snakes will become more active as they search for food, water and warmth.
This summer, be snake aware and take relevant precautions while enjoying the outdoors safely.

Be mindful when walking your dog.....

Please be mindful when walking pets to keep both your pet and others safe. Please ensure if your pet is not social, that you move away from others to eliminate any risk to owners and other pets.

Stay up to Date

Do you have Facebook? Join the residents only "Grovelife" page an receive all the latest communication at your fingertips!!

Inflatables in the pool

Please note that large inflatables are not permitted in the pools.

Please be mindful....

Please be mindful when driving around the estate. As many more people are home and walking to get exercise, please remember to keep an eye out and be alert for children on bikes and scooters. 

Important pool reminder

Important Safety Reminder

It is essential all children aged 14 years and under have an adult within the pool enclosure.  We experienced some incidents over the Summer period that could have been avoided if parents had been in the enclosure.  If you see parents not adhering to this all important safety requirement, please contact the Country Club immediately.

Please familiarise yourself with the full code of conduct. Click here.

Bush Fire Survival Plan

It is important for all families to have a bush-fire survival plan. Attached are some links to help you prepare.
Take care of yourselves and your pets in these extremely severe conditions.
Bush Fire Survival Plan
Fires Near Me App

Caring for your Trees

The street trees in Harrington Grove have been maintained in the Harrington Estates Nursery before being planted in your street, after which it becomes the responsibility of individual residents to take care of their street tree/s. Our landscape team strongly recommends giving them a weekly water, an annual fertilizer treatment and perhaps even mulching around the base of the tree to prevent the soil from drying up. If you'd like any specific advice on the care of your tree, please feel free to email us and we'll put you in contact with our landscapers, who would be only too happy to assist you with your enquiry.

Local Snake Catcher

Contact Corey – M: 0455 570 000 

Sydney Wildlife - 9413 4300 





Precinct Representatives

A reminder that each precinct representative on the Executive Committee of the Community Association performs their duties completely voluntarily, with no remuneration from the community or from any other source. It can be an extremely time-consuming role representing and investigating the views of residents within their individual precincts, as well as looking after the welfare of the community as a whole. All Reps are required to do this in conjunction with their fulltime jobs and family roles. Harrington Lifestyle Services acknowledges and appreciates the knowledge and skill that each Precinct Representative has brought to the Committee so far and the effort that each member of the Committee has put in to ensure the community is managed effectively and responsibly.

Pool Code of Conduct

We have already witnessed some unruly behaviour in the pools, particularly from the teenage/youth group. If residents experience any behaviour that makes them uncomfortable or is perceived as being a safety issue, we ask that you immediately call reception from poolside or inform a staff member while the offenders are still onsite. As the pool is unmanned, staff are unable to take any action unless informed by residents while the behaviour is occurring. Staff can then remind offenders of the Code of Conduct, perform a spot card check, keep a close eye on the cameras and follow up accordingly.      

Major points regarding the pool Code of Conduct:

  • People jumping off the wall into the Country Club pool can be asked to leave immediately
  • No large inflatables or hard balls such as tennis balls, volleyballs or soccer balls are permitted in the pools
  • No swearing, bombing, somersaulting or rough play
  • An adult resident must supervise children under 14yrs from within the pool enclosure
  • Glassware and alcohol are not permitted within the pool enclosure
  • Please stay off the lane ropes, to avoid further expense when they break, and stay out of the lap lanes unless doing laps

Access to Clubs for children 14-17yrs

With the start of the school holidays, we have been experiencing some issues with access to the facilities from residents aged 14-17yrs. Could parents please take note of the current rules regarding access for those under 18yrs:

  • Parents cannot give their children, or anyone else, their access card to be used at the Clubs. Cards are not transferable and your access can be suspended if others are found in possession of your card
  • Residents aged under 16yrs cannot use the facilities without full supervision of an adult resident, who therefore must be onsite at all times
  • Residents aged 16yrs – 17yrs can use the facilities without supervision of an adult, however they are not permitted to bring any children in who are under 16yrs, unless an adult resident is present and is responsible for the child
  • Residents aged 14 – 15yrs cannot bring non-residents in to use the facilities unless accompanied by an adult resident
  • All residents aged 14yrs and over must have had an induction in order to receive an access card to be able to use the facilities

Building Compliance

The Community Association is currently making changes to the way compliance is managed within the estate. This will be rolled out in stages over the upcoming year or so. We would therefore like to give you all a friendly reminder of the Building Guidelines for your precinct and strongly advise that you read these guidelines prior to making any external changes or renovations to your home or property, particularly if those changes will be visible from the street.

The top Five breaches of Building Compliance Items that the Sales team/Harrington Estates have had to enforce recently are:

  • Corner Lot Fencing
  • Front Fencing
  • Return Gate
  • Landscaping within the Council verge
  • Landscaping maintenance

If you are unsure of the requirements within the estate or within your precinct, please either refer to your Precinct Building Guidelines or contact Harrington Lifestyle Services on 4631 3200 and we will refer you to the person who can assist you with your enquiry. Doing so can save you a lot of money in the long run!

Logging on to Grovelife

For residents who are unsure of their username to access Grovelife, it is written on your Access Card. It is the first three letters of your precinct, followed by your lot number, then the individual number that you represent in your household eg MIC-999.01. The way it is written on your card, is the way you should type it into the username login section on Grovelife. Your password would have been automatically emailed to you after your induction, however please click on Forgot Password or call reception if you need your password to be reset.

Gym - Residents Only

A reminder to residents that the use of the Gym is for residents only.

It is a requirement that you have your access cards on you at all times and must be presented to staff on request.

Thank you in advance.