

In fairness to all residents, Table 1 and the Alfresco Room cannot both be booked for the same event.



In fairness to all residents, a maximum of 2 BBQ tables at a time can be booked on the same day.



In fairness to all residents; a tennis court can only be booked for a maximum of 1 hour per day.

Update on Country Club gym

Thank you for your patience in regards to the unfolding situation within the Country Club Gym.

We can confirm that we have minor surface mould growth within the gym area, due to this the gym has been closed. Throughout the closure we have had consulted with contractors to investigate the cause and determine the appropriate treatment plan. 

Thankfully , it has been confirmed that the mould is a direct result of the recent rain and humidity and not due to any water leaks or refrigeration issues. With this in mind we are also working with the maintenance team to install additional fans to encourage further airflow. 

Given the situation the gym will need to be treated and then repainted. Treatment works are booked in to commence this Thursday (24 March) these works will take place over approximately three days.  Once treatment is complete repainting will need to take place, we are awaiting quotes and timeframes from the communities preferred suppliers and will be able to communicate further timings once an engagement has been confirmed.

In the meantime, residents have access the Michelia gym, the various exercise parks throughout the estate and the other areas of all three clubs.  Classes will continue to operate utilising the outdoor areas and the community room located at the Country Club.