

In fairness to all residents, Table 1 and the Alfresco Room cannot both be booked for the same event.



In fairness to all residents, a maximum of 2 BBQ tables at a time can be booked on the same day.



In fairness to all residents; a tennis court can only be booked for a maximum of 1 hour per day.

24 hour fight Against Cancer

A resident is selling raffle tickets for a community event supporting www.24hrfight.org.au. A local charity run by volunteers supporting our cancer fighters in Macathur. This year represents 20 years for the local charity a very big milestone. All money raised stays in Macarthur for services and equipment need by our cancer warriors.
If anyone would like raffle tickets, please Nicole 0411 745 009. They can also be purchased direct from the 24hr website.
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